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Product Options to Category List для OpenCart и ocStore

  • Product Options to Category List для OpenCart и ocStore

Описание для Product Options to Category List

Product Options to Category List is an opencart extension. It add the ability to display and customize any product option to category list at front end of your store. You are able to customize which product option is shown in the category page of your store. You can turn on/off whole option types or on product > option to option basis.
Customers can chose the options on products category page and add it to cart without need to go to product page.

It is very useful if you want to speed up the process and significantly boost your sales, because in most cases customers could have one step less when choosing the right options to products. Or if you having a store for example pizza where you can show the size from the category page, saving time for your customers.

As an extra feature the extension comes with the extra modifications for default modules (which comes with the opencart as featured module, special module, latest etc…), so they show the product options as well.

Совместимость 2.x
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  • $0.99

Как бесплатно скачать Product Options to Category List ?

Product Options to Category List можно скачать у нас на сайте ocmod.shop

Где бесплатно скачать Product Options to Category List ?

На сайте ocmod.shop вы можете приобрести Product Options to Category List за указаную цену, либо скачать бесплатно. Все цены сайта символичны, и данные средства необходимы для поддержки проекта.

Какая стоимость Product Options to Category List ?

Стоимость Product Options to Category List от 0 до $0.99 в зависимости от выбраного модуля (расширения) опенкарт.

Помощь с установкой 850р.

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